Friday, October 10, 2014

It's raining quotes!

So, here's a list of all the inspirational quotes i've read on Facebook over the past few days:
1. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain.
2. Cherish yesterday, dream tomorrow, live today,
3. Every day is a second chance.
4. Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.

Now, I'm going to reflect on how energized and inspired I feel while watching a sitcom, eating chips and lying in bed.

Another late night scribble..

Sometimes, before falling asleep.. she holds her own hand, tight... trying to ensure herself that she's not alone... she's got herself.

The demon inside..

With eyes red like fire and blood and hair blending with the darkness of the night, I looked into a mirror... and as it stared back at me, I realized: I, of all people, should never fear evil... for within me, a demon resides.

Don't judge..

Every time he hears the call for prayer, he pauses whatever he's doing and sits in silence. His friends always commend him for respecting his religion, when in fact he simply does it because he cant focus. nothing more, nothing less.

don't judge.

A late night scribble..

During her sleepless nights, she wandered through the narrow alleys of her memories, eagerly trying to understand how she missed all the signs.
For years she thought she was smart enough to protect herself, but her memories told her otherwise.
Feeling scarred and trapped, she finally decides to take control... looking into the reflection of her eyes, she promises her heart: "You will not fall for this again!".. but deep inside, she knows it's just a lie.


The key to happiness is to believe that you're a bad person and live shamelessly and guilt-free.. and since they say: "good things happen to good people", you'll have no expectations, and therefore, no disappointments.

you're welcome.

When it comes to politics, age is just a number..

In most countries, people retire at 60 because they are believed to be too old to do the job.. but when it comes to the world of politics, they become presidents... so in conclusion: at 60, you're too old to do a normal job but can perfectly rule a nation.

شوبش بالسبّابة

اخي المواطن: ان كنت ترغب في زيادة عدد متابعيك و توسيع قاعدتك الشعبية، اتبع الخطوات الآتية:

١. اضف لقب "شيخ" قبل اسمك... و لا تقلق، هذا اللقب لا يتطلب وجود مؤهلات مسبقة.
٢. ادحش كلمة "اسلام" و مشتقاتها في كل خطاباتك، حتى و ان كان الموضوع لا يمت للاسلام بصلة.
٣. اختم خطبك بالصراخ و التكبير و لاتنسى تشوبش بالسبّابة.

everything has a reason

They say "everything has a reason".. and here's my analysis for why we have:

- 2 hands: to clap 
- 2 eyes: to roll
- 2 nostrils: because having one would look like this:


- 2 ears: to wear headsets and glasses
- 2 legs: because hopping around on one makes everything bounce
- fingers: to count and point
- toes: to smash into walls, beds and chairs
- hair: to straighten, curl, dye, cut, trim or shave
- hearts: to provide a source for embarrassment
- brains: ditto.. and to write FB statuses

and, life: to waste.